Sep 17, 2009

How to be happy in life

Happiness is much more than what an article could describe, some people describe happiness as the feeling you experience when you realize that everything is exactly as it should be, some define it as the state of feeling that you experience after reaching your goals while others define it as a having inner peace.

Defining happiness is something that is not so easy, but what’s more important is that you have already experienced it, and so the aim of this article will be to teach you how to be happy rather than giving you a philosophical definition of happiness that won’t help in changing your mood.

I wouldn't say the following could guarantee yourself to feel happy, but however if you followed these steps, possibilites of experiencing a dramatic change on your happiness levels could be felt;

  1. Know what makes you happy: As I said happiness is perspective dependent, so if you want to be happy you should first know what makes you happy, just try to visualize the thing if it actually became true & you would realize happiness, and upon finding that, ensure to fight for it, and I really mean it, fight for it until you get it.
  2. Happiness and Love: Having loving friends, a loving partner or a loving family could dramatically affect your happiness levels. When surrounded by love your big problems tend to become smaller and your life is filled with more happiness. Social relationships in general could act as a healthy escapement from the storms of life, however don’t just escape without taking actions to solving your problems, dump your bad feelings by experiencing these beautiful relations and at the same time work towards solving your real problems.

  3. Happiness and life purpose: Having a life purpose may not make you happy on its own but not having a life purpose could make your life a misery. Many people commit suicide because they don’t know why they are here or what they should do in this life. If you want to be happy then seriously consider finding a life purpose.
  4. Positive thinking and optimism: You may have asked yourself, could I feel happy while having a major problem that I don’t have a solution to? Yes you can, by knowing that one day this problem will be solved, this is what is called positive thinking, optimism or hope. Learning how to be a positive thinker will open the door to hope and so to happiness.  

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