Sep 17, 2009

How to Be Kind to Someone Lonely

  1. If you see them by themselves, ask if you can sit with them. This is always a first (and effective) step people should take. Chances are the person is lonely and would enjoy your company, even though they do not know you well.
    If they say that they would rather be alone, do not press them. If they say they want to be by themselves, take their word for it!
  2. If you see them in the hallways, smile and wave. Say hi. Be friendly. Do not walk past them coldly or ignore them. You want to make them feel noticed and happy, not overlooked and hurt.
  3. If you like them enough to be their friend/companion, continue to interact with them! Talk to them everyday; as them to sit with you at lunch; walk to them to their classes; invite them to your house. The options are infinite! By hanging out with them more often you will open up their heart to you. You want them to feel comfortable and relaxed around you, and you want them to enjoy your company just as much as you enjoy theirs.

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